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D Generation D'Angelo D'Arby, Terence Trent
D'Aurelio, Nino D'Auri, Gino D'Bora
D'Castro, Alex D'Molls D-Mob
D-Nice D.A.D D.A.M.
D.D. Sound D.O.A. D.O.C., The
D.R.S. (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) D12 Da Brat
Da King & I Da Krash Da Lench Mob
Da Wild Boyz Da Yoopers Da Youngsta's
Daab, Charles Dada Daddy Dewdrop
Daddy Longhead Dadmun, Royal Dag
Dag Nasty Daggs, Lisa Dahl, Jeff
Daily, E.G. Daisy Dillman Band, The Daisy, Pat
Daizy Cutter Dajae Dal Bello, Lisa
Dale & Grace Dale, Dick & His Del-Tones Dale, Kenny
Daley, Kevin Dalglish, Malcolm Dalhart, Vernon
Dalida Dallas Academy Choir Dallas Brass
Dallas Girls Chorus Dallas Symphony Orchestra Dallas, Patti
Dallmann, Wolfgang Dalriada Brothers Dalton, Karen
Dalton, Kathy Dalton, Lacy J. Dalton, Larry
Daltrey, Roger Daly, William Dame, Damian
Damian Damian Dame Damian, Michael
Damiano, Joe Damien Damion & Denita
Damita Jo Damn the Machine Damn Yankees
Damned, The Damone, Vic Dan & Dale
Dan & Galla Dan Reed Network Dana
Dana, Vic Dancehall Kings Dancers Image
Dancing Fantasy Dancing Hoods Dane, Dana
Danger Danger Dangerfield, Rodney Dangerous Toys
Dangtrippers, The Dani (World) Daniel Band
Daniel, Davis Daniel, Godfrey Daniels, Bob
Daniels, Charlie Daniels, Eddie Danish Festival Orchestra
Danko, Rick Dankworth, John Danniebelle
Dante's Inferno Danzig Daou, Vanessa
Dap Sugar Willie Daraiche, Paul Darieux, Jacques
Darin, Bobby Darins, The Dark Angel
Darklin Reach Darling Cruel Darling, Julie
Darnel, Bill Darnell, Dik Darrell, Johnny
Darren, James Darrett, Montrel Dartells, The
Das EFX Dash Rip Rock Dashboard Saviors
Dave & Sugar Dave Brubeck Quartet Dave Clark Five
Dave Mathews Band Dave Roper Trio Davenport, Wallace
Davey, Steve David and the Giants David J
David+David David, Craig Davidson Singers, The
Davidson, Diane Davidson, John Davidson, Monte
Davies, Alun Davies, Dave Davies, Gail
Davis Family, The Davis, Beryl Davis, Buck
Davis, Carlene Davis, Carole Davis, Chip
Davis, Clifton Davis, Dale Davis, Danny & the Nashville Brass
Davis, Danny (& Nashville Brass) Davis, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Ike
Davis, Ivan Davis, Janette Davis, Jesse Ed
Davis, Jimmie Davis, Jimmy Davis, Jody
Davis, Ken Davis, Linda Davis, Mac
Davis, Mark Davis, Martha Davis, Maxwell
Davis, Mel Davis, Miles Davis, Paul
Davis, Russ Davis, Sammy Jr. Davis, Skeeter
Davis, Tyrone Davis, Wild Bill Davison, Peter
Dawn Dax, Danielle Day, Curtis
Day, Dave (& the Mercy Blues Band) Day, Dennis Day, Doris
Day, Jennifer Day, Morris Daye, Cory
Dayne, Taylor Days of the New Daystar Orchestra, The
Dayton Dayton, Jesse Dazz Band
dB's, The DC TALK De Burgh, Chris
De Castro Sisters De Grassi, Alex De Jarlis, Andy
De Jesus, Rafael De John Sisters De John, Julie
De La Hoya, Oscar De La Rosa, Tony De La Soul
De Larrocha, Alicia De Larrocha, Alicia De Lory, Al
De Los Angeles, Victoria De Los Rios, Waldo De Plata, Manitas
De Twee Pinten De Vita, Franco De Vol, Frank
De Vorzon, Barry Dead Fly Boy Dead Milkmen, The
Dead On Dead or Alive Deadeye Dick
Deadlift Deadlights Deadspot
Dean, Al Dean, Billy Dean, Eddie
Dean, Jimmy Dean, Paul Deane, Toby
DeAngelis, Peter Dearborn, Billie Death
Death Angel Deathrow Deathwish
Deauville, Ronnie DeBarge DeBarge, Chico
DeBarge, El DeBusk-Weaver Family, The Deceased
Dechenne, Danielle Decibels Ded Engine
Dee, Kiki Dee, Lenny Deee-Lite
Deele, The Deep Blue Something Deep Forest
Deep Purple Deep Purple Dees, Rick
Def Con 4 Def Leppard Def-Soul
Defenestration Defiance Definition FX
Definition of Sound DeFranco Family DeFranco, Buddy
Deftones DeGarmo & Key Dehumanizers, The
Deighan, Erwin Dejarlis, Andy Del Amitri
Del Fuegos, The Del Lords, The Del Monaco, Mario
Del Rio, Yolanda Del Russo, Damien Del Sinchak Band, The
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien Del-Lords Delaine
Delaney & Bonnie DeLawder Family deLay, Paul
Delegates, The Delegation Delegation Mass Choir, The
Delenti Bros. Delevantes, The Delfonics
Delgado, Robert Delinquent Habits Delirium
Delisle, Celine Dell Vikings Della Robbia Orchestra
Dellape, John Deller Consort Dells
Delmore Brothers Delray, Martin Demby, Constance
DeMello, Jack DeMent, Iris Dementia
Demolition Hammer Dempsey, Jimmy Denim
Denise, Joni Denjean, Claude Dennis, Archie Jr.
Dennis, Cathy Dennis, Wesley Denny, Martin
Denson, Al Dentie, Gino Dentino, Bart
Denver Symphony Denver, John Deodata, Eumir
Depeche Mode Derek & the Dominoes Derek B
Deroy, Charly Derringer, Rick DeRuby, Stephen
Des'ree DeSanto, Sugar Pie DeSario, Teri
Descendents Desert Rose Band DeShannon, Jackie
Deshay DeShelter, Jacque Deskee
Desmond, Johnny Desmond, Paul Despair
Destination Destiny's Child Destruction
Detroit Detroit Emeralds Detroit Players, The
Detroit Symphony Orchestra Detroit's Most Wanted Deuces Wild
Deutsche Bachsolisten Deutschmeisters Devastating Dennis
Devastation DeVille, Willy Devine, Sydney
Devino, Fran Devlins, The Devo
Devonshire, Lord & the Humming Birds Devonsquare Dexys Midnight Runners
Dey, Tracey DeYoung, Dennis DFC
DFX2 DGC Dharma Bums
Di Franco, Ani Di Mara Sisters, The Di Meola, Al
Di Napoli, Mike Di'Anno, Paul Diallo, Yaya
Diamond Accordion Band Diamond and the Psychotic Neurotics Diamond Rexx
Diamond Rio Diamond, Barry Diamond, Gregg
Diamond, Neil Dianne and the New Worlds Dick And Deedee
Dick Anthony's Singing Men Dick Tracey Dickens, Little Jimmy
Dickies, The Dickinson, Bruce Diddley, Bo
Didjits Dido Die Fantastischen Vier
Die Happy Die Kreuzen Die Schlauberger
Die Warzau Died Pretty Diesel
Diesel Park West Dietrich, Marlene Diffie, Joe
Difranco, Ani Dig Dig, The
Digable Planets Digger Diggs, David
Digital Orgasm Digital Underground Dillard, Doug
Dillards, The Dilly and the Puppet Pal Chorus Dimensional Sounds
Dimmick, Kami Noel Dingo Fish Band, The Dingoes, The
Dinning Sisters Dino (Gospel) Dino (Pop)
Dinosaur Jr. Dinosaurs Dio
Dion & the Belmonts Dion, Celine Diorio, Joe
Dire Straits Direction Dirt Merchants
Dirty Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The Dirty Looks
Dis 'N' Dat Disappear Fear Disappointment Incorporated
Disciples of Christ Disco Band, The Disco Tex & the Sex-O-Lettes
Discovery Singers Dishwalla Disko Band
Dittmars, Ivan Divinyls Dixiana
Dixie Cats, The Dixie Chicks Dixie Dregs
Dixie Echos Dixie Hummingbirds Dixie Melody Boys
Dixie Tom Cats, The Dixiecupps, The Dixieland All Stars
Dixon House Band Dixon, Don Dixon, Jessy
Dixon, Tina Dixon, Willie Dixons, The
DJ Clue? DJ Hurricane DJ Irene
DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince DJ Kool DJ Magic Mike
DJ Quik DJ Screw DJ Skribble
DJ Snake Do-Re-Mi Children's Chorus Doan, John
Dobkins Jr., Carl Dobson, Dobby Dobson, Dr. James
Doc Holliday Doctor & the Medics Doctor Bombay
Doctor Exx Band, The Doctor's Mob Documentary Recordings
Dodd, Deryl Dodds, Johnny Dodge, Marshall
Doe, John Doerge, Craig Dog Fashion Disco
Dog Soldier Dog's Eye View Doggett, Bill
Doggy Style Doggys Angels Dogs Eye View
Dogs, The Dogwood Doherty, Denny
Dokken Dolan, Joe Dolby, Thomas
Dolce, Joe Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart Doll by Doll
Dollar, Johnny Dolphins, The Dolphy, Eric
Domingo, Placido Domino Domino, Fats
Don & Jerry Don and Juan Don Caballero
Don Carlos Brass Don Cossacks Donald Duck
Donalds, Andru Donaldson, Bo Donaldson, Lou
Donley, Jimmy Donna Darlene Donnelly, Tom
Donovan Doobie Brothers Doom
Doomwatch Doonican, Val Doors, The
Doowackadoodlers Dor, Georges Dorasel
Dore, Charlie Dorey, Delmer Dorff, Steve
Dorfmann, Karl Dork Dorothy
Dorough, Bob Dorough, Dewey Dorsey, Jack
Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Lee Dorsey, Tommy
Dottsy Double Double Action Theatre
Double Decker Stringband Double Exposure Double Vision
Doucet, Suzanne Doucette, (Jerry) Doug E. Fresh
Doug Lazy Douglas, Bill Douglas, Carl
Douglas, Carol Douglas, Charlie Douglas, Gordon
Douglas, Jerry Douglas, John E. (Sr.) Douglas, Johnny
Douglas, Kellie Douglas, Larry Douglas, Mike
Douglas, Norma Douglas, Tony Dour, Yann
Dove, Ronnie Dovells, The Dover, Connie
Dovin, Marie Dowell, Joe Down
Down to the Bone Down, Dru Downey, Morton Jr.
Downhomers, The Downing, Don Downing, Will
Downings, The Downset Downsiders, The
Downy Mildew Doy, Carl Dozier, Lamont
Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band Dr. Dre Dr. Elmo
Dr. Fun Dr. Hermiz Dr. Hook
Dr. Jack Van Impe Dr. Jean (Feldman) Dr. John
Dr. Mastermind Dr. Strut Dr. Teleny's Incredible Plugged-In Orchestra
Dragon Drake & Floyd Drake, Guy
Drake, Pete Dramarama Dramatics, The
Draper, Rusty Dread Zeppelin Dream Academy
Dream Death Dream Syndicate, The Dream Theater
Dream Warriors Dreamboy Dreamland
Dreamlovers, The Dreams Dreams So Real
Drelles, Andy Drennon, Eddie Dresden Philharmonic
Dresden State Orchestra Dresden Symphonic Orchestra Dresher, Paul
Drew, Charley Drew, David Drew, Kenny Jr.
Drew, Patti DRI Drifters, The
Drifting Cowboys, The Drill Driscoll, Julie
Driscoll, Phil Drive Like Jehu Drivin-N-Cryin
Drop Acid Drowning Pool DRS
Drugstore Drunken Boat Drusky, Roy
Du Bouchet, Georges Dub War Dube, Lucky
Dublin Concert Orchestra, The Dublin Corporation, The Dublin Ramblers, The
Dublin Strings DuBois Area High Marching Band Ducas, George
Duchin, Eddy Duchin, Peter Duchow, Lawrence
Dudek, Les Dudley Smith Steel Band Dudley, Anne
Dudley, Dave Dudley, Stewart Duff, Hilary
Duffey, John Duguay, Bernard Duice
Duke Duke & the Drivers Duke Jupiter
Duke, Diana Duke, George Dukes of Dixieland
Dukes of Jazz, The Dukes of Stratosphere Dulfer, Candy
Duncan Dhu Duncan, Bryan Duncan, Johnny
Duncavage, David Dundas, David Dunn, Holly
Dunn, Wayne Dunne, Cahal Dunstedter, Eddie
Duo Irizarry De Cordova Dupont Dupree, Champion Jack
Dupree, Leontine Dupree, Robbie Duprees, The
Duprez & Roberts Duprez, Fred Duquesne University Tamburitzans
Duran Duran Durante, Jimmy Durbin, Deanna
Durcal, Rocio Durham, Buddy Durutti Column, The
Dury, Ian Dusk Dust
Dustdevils Duttons, The Duvall, Shelley
Dwane, Mark Dwellers, The Dwight Twilley Band
Dyke & the Blazers Dylan Dylan, Bob
Dylans, The Dynamic Brass Dynamic Sound
Dynamite Dynasty Dynatones, The
Dyson, Ronnie

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